Star Stuff
You are Star Stuff!
Earl T. Mann Jr. - Founder Symbol Athletica
Maybe you think big... really BIG.
And you reflect on how everything that is came to be in an instant from one mind boggling powerful source.
Maybe you think you are big.
That the magic in your uniqueness is powerful beyond the profile of personality as you interpret , improvise and perform the masterpiece one time only show that started on your birthday!
Maybe it was a Superstar that made you feel something. Inspired you in a way that changed your internal compass, and how you would come to navigate through your life.
In any event you are THE STUFF OF STARS! And because what matters to us gives us magical energy; against the back drop of an infinite Universe you shine! Awesomely, you shine!
Stand for something!
Upstream from the Dream of You.
Why understanding who you are comes before understanding where you are...